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Amethysts are among the most elegant and exquisite gemstones, suitable for all styles of jewellery and engagement rings


Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. The gemstone name comes from Ancient Greek for not intoxicated (ἀ μέθυστος a-méthystos) and it was believed that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness.

The Amethyst is a semiprecious purple stone and its exquisite violet colour comes from irradiation, iron and the presence of trace elements which combine to create a complex crystal lattice substitution.

Gemstones Specifications


Origin: Brazil, Bolivia, Canada, India and various other localities

Colour: Bold Violet to Rose Purple

Species: Quartz

Hardness: 7 on Mohs Scale

Birthstone Month: February

Anniversary Year: 33rd

How To Create The Perfect Gemstone Jewellery With Steven Stone

Amethysts are an elegant centre stone suitable for all gemstone engagement ring settings and any gemstone piece of jewellery. Get in touch with our experts to find your perfect Amethyst or to discuss custom gemstone wedding rings and eternity rings and our bespoke services. Alternatively, browse our ready to wear gemstone jewellery collection.